Remote Creative

Case Study

This Graphic Design coaching business wanted to increase their sales and number of customers and they hired Taktak Agency to attract Leads through proper advertising and strategy from Lead Generation Campaigns


Remote Creative is a coaching company selling trainings and courses on how to become a better and professional Graphic Designer. Steve Reed, the owner of the company with a +20 years of experience on the field, communicated with TakTak Agency for having their services on increasing their sales and attracting more customers as they were struggling to lower their cost per leads.

The goal

Decrease Cost per Lead

Remote Creative wanted to increase their sales and number of customers by increasing their amount spent on advertising, without breaking cost per lead

The Solution

Proper Targeting and Creative Strategy

We split the account on 2 different campaigns, one for prospecting and 1 for retargeting. We used prospecting campaign for very detailed people and used interest and different age groups to find out the winning audiences and retargeted all the people who did not become a lead through social engaging audiences and website viewers. The most important part was our creative and copy strategy where we used videos and images too, testing different placements. We tried to give people the idea of becoming an expert and using that to start profiting and charging more to the clients. So, proper messaging through Primary Text and Headline as well as text on the image helped a lot get more leads.

We used a interest based audiences and were quite specific at the beginning and tried to scale to broader audiences after.

The Results

We were able to find our best creatives and focusing mostly to ages 28 to 55 with all placements used and proper retargeting we achieved large number of new customers and cost per lead of $1 on average.

• 6% Click through rate
• +500 New customers
• +10.000 social media engagements